
pvc strip curtain

Anti-insect pvc strip curtain
The Anti-insect strip curtain have the same function with standard clear curtain meanwhile they have other advantage .
1:Anti-insect can provide a cost effective insulating barrier which maintans the preferred temperature ,
reducing heat-loss in the working environment and retaining chilled air is cold store conditions .
2:Prevent the entry of insect ,birds and other infestations offer a clean environment without any insect .
3:It is an ideal solution for anywhere that insects are not welcome .
4:The products made with a specially formulated repellent material that wards off insect sanitation authorities are highly concerned with the hyginen conditions of food and durg handing areas .

Anti-insect pvc curtain :
Grade :Ribbed / Smooth
Colour :Yellow
Standard size :
 200mm X 2mm X 50m
 300mm X 3mm X 50m
 400mm X 4mm X 50m

