
Anti-static pvc strip curtain

Anti-insect pvc strip curtain help in saving energy ,cut down heat and cool air ,anti-insect strip curtain reduce the static of person and object ,give us a protection ,anti-insect green can reduce static electricity from object or person ,dissing it back into the atmosphere ,use in clean room computer componet assembly .
Anti-insect green ribbed curtain easy to clean and install ,the clients need note to woory about their maintenance ,they just need to do periodical wash only .
pvc strip curtain benefit are  prevent noise dust ,fume,brids,insect,sliding system ,strong and durable ,bolt-on system ,hook-on system .

 curtains supermarkets,underground entrance to the power station, metro, bars, shops, warehouses, and work partition, portholes, residential and industrial door curtains, tents, camps or swimming pools.

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