
plastic curtain

we can offer excellent quality movable pvc strip curtain,the curtains are manufactured using advance technology and best machinery and proffesional workers .

the curtain help in saving energy and stoping the cold air or warm air loss .
plastic curtain have highly durable and is available in various colors and thickness ,
The pvc strip curtain offered by us is easy to clean and easy to install ,they are just need preodicly wash .
The curtain offered by us have Noiseproof ,Dustproof ,Prevent the vermin .

PVC specification :
Defend ultraviolet ray
Temp range
Air conditioning
Economy energy
Reaction to fire :Self -extinguishing
Thickness :2mm-4mm thick quality grade A+
Width 200mm
Transparency index :99.2%

PVc industry strip door curtain can adapt to any kind of traffic irrespective of frequency due to excellent fexibiliy and visibility ,so it increase productivity and safety from collision at your work place .

PVC strip curtain help in saving energy through temperature retention and control of heated or cooled air flow ,reduce DB value of noise .


plastic strip industry curtain

pvc strip curtain with a good transparent ,It is able to stop the cold air or warm air draining ,Provide a barrier prevent the invasion of dust and ultraviolet ,save power consumption of air conditioning system ,reduce the DB value of noise .
It will be more economy working with air conditioning ,and it is able to reduce noise leves ,stop noise diffusion ad enhance the comfortable of working space and make the people feel comfortable and enjoy work .

Size range :
200mm*2mm*50m  ,200mm*3mm*50m
300mm*3mm*50m  ,300mm*3mm*50m

Application :

Home,Office,Food industry,Berwery,Water factory,Supermarket, Plastic cement,Priting,Security company,Textile,Medicine,Electronics,Chemical,Metallurgy,Machinery,WarehouseLogistic
Car manufacturer,Welding industry etc.


pvc strip curtain

pvc strip door curtain have low cost ,suit for retail shops ,commercial and industry workplace ,food industry ,home .and others .

Advantage of use :
Stop the warm air or cold air draining .
Provides control for brids and flying pets
Restricts movement of air pollutants
Minimal maintance
Easy to clean and Install
Allow easy access for pedestrians
Hok-on sysytem
Strong and durable
Sliding sytem

the curtain can used for Width 200mm-400mm Thickness 2mm-4mm ,used the door we always see in the common please .as well as can be used for low temperature ,Food industry ,Cold stroage .

The curtain from our company that you have choice of grades and colours .


pvc ventilation strip clear curtain

Pvc air curtain ,with a good transparnt ,stop the loss of cold air or warm air loss ,allow maximum ventilation in and out of the  premises ,prevent the invasion of sudt and ultraviolet ,as a result ,they significantly save power consumption of air conditioning system also reduce the DB value of noise ,constain noise from spreading and reduce the noise .when used as protition screens ,they creat multi-functional compartments cooperating fields ,office and restroom s without taking up any space .


Standard size :







Usage :Soft PVC Strip Curtains widely used in door curtains and dividing walls



common pvc tsrip plastic curtain

pvc strip curtain is an excellent way to control the environment between rooms when one is cooler than other .The strip curtain have been used for industrial settings when products are moved from outdoors into a heated or air conditioned space .The plastic strip curtain allow people ,vehicle ,goods and machinery to pass from one area to another easily while reducing the air loss of controlled evironment ,saving energy and money ,making your own pvc striup curtain for your home can be an excellent solution for basments ,

garages ,hree season rooms or anywhere where you have two different environment needs .

pvc strip curtain will be more economy working with air conditionign ,and it is able to reduce noise leves ,stop the noise diffusion ,and enhance the comfortable of working space and production efficient .


Application range :(width x thickness x length of roll)

200 mm (W) x 200 mm (T) x 50 m
200 mm (W) x 300 mm (T) x 50 m
300 mm (W) x 200 mm (T) x 50 m
300 mm (W) x 300 mm (T) x 50 m

400 mm (W) x 400 mm (T) x 50 m

Usage :Soft PVC Strip Curtains widely used in door curtains and dividing walls



Anti-static pvc strip curtain

Anti-insect pvc strip curtain help in saving energy ,cut down heat and cool air ,anti-insect strip curtain reduce the static of person and object ,give us a protection ,anti-insect green can reduce static electricity from object or person ,dissing it back into the atmosphere ,use in clean room computer componet assembly .
Anti-insect green ribbed curtain easy to clean and install ,the clients need note to woory about their maintenance ,they just need to do periodical wash only .
pvc strip curtain benefit are  prevent noise dust ,fume,brids,insect,sliding system ,strong and durable ,bolt-on system ,hook-on system .

 curtains supermarkets,underground entrance to the power station, metro, bars, shops, warehouses, and work partition, portholes, residential and industrial door curtains, tents, camps or swimming pools.


Polar clear pvc strip curtain

Pvc strip curtain have a good transparnt ,help in stoping the cold air or warm air draining ,prevent the invasion of dust and ultraviolet ,as a result ,they sinificantlly save power consumption of air conditioning system ,they also reduce the DB value of noise ,constrain noise from spreeding ,beautify the house and improve the environment .

Pvc polar strip curtain air conditioning ,remain highly soft even at Minus 40 celsius allowing easy passing of people,vehicle and goods ,pvc freezer curtain is a good solution to protect the cold air in the cold room .

Size :
200mm*2mm*50m ,200mm*3mm*50m
300mm*2mm*50m ,300mm*3mm*50m

vinyl stip curtain easy to clean and easy to install ,Choise of grades and colours ,Bolt-on system ,Hook-on systm ,Strong and durable ,Sliding system .


welding pvc tsrip curtain

With good transparnet ,protect workers and rduce noise in warehouse and factory applications ,It is specifically designed for doors that enclose areas where welding is being performed ,It is tinted colour helps reduce the incidental effects of bright ,ultra ,violet light from welding arcs ,sparks bounce off the thick material ,yet it is transparent enough to allow supervisors and others to view the welding area .

Sizes :
200mm*2mm*50m  ,200mm*3mm*50m
300mm*2mm*50m  ,300mm*3mm*50m

Application :
Home,Office,Food industry,Berwery,Water factory,Supermarket,Plastic cement,Priting,Security company,Textile,Medicine,Electronics,Chemical,Metallurgy,Machinery,WarehouseLogistic
Car manufacturer,Welding industry etc.


Polar pvc transparent strip soft curtain

Pvc polar strip curtain can remainly soft even at Minus 40 celsius allowing easy passing of people ,vehicle and good .pvc freezer curtain is a good solution to protect the cold air in the cold room .
It will be more economy working with air conditioning ,and saving power consumption of air conditioning system .
Reduce the cold air or warm air draining ,and reduce the noise leves ,stop the noise diffusion ,and enhance the comfortable of working space and production effecient .

Pvc polar strip curtain is an excellent way to control the environment between rooms when one is coolder than other .

Pvc polar strip curtain minimal maintance ,they are just need periodic wash .and easy to install .and sliding system .


Yellow Anti-insect double ribbed curtain

Anti-insect Yellow Double Ribbed
pvc Anti-insect strip curtain have a good transparent strip curtain ,they are prevents the entry of insect ,brids and other infestations ,offer a clean environment without any insect .it is an ideal solution for anywhere that insects are not welcome and it is made with  a specially formulated repellent material that wards off insects and sanitation authorities are highly concerned with the hygiene conditions of food and ddrug handing areas ,
Anti-insect curtain have reduce the DB value of noise ,cur down heat or cold air loss ,restricts movement of air pollutants .
the clients are not worried about the maintance ,they are just need periodic washly .

plastic industry strip curtain

pvc strip industry curtain is an excellent way to control the environment among office ,workshop ,warhouse
when one is cooler than the other ,they can be used for the industry setting when products are moved from outdoors into a heated or air conditioned space ,the pvc strip curtain have :

:: Reduce the hot and cold air loss
::Prevent the dust,fumes,odors ,smoke.
::Prevent ultraiolet ray ,highlight
::Prevent the control for birds and flying pets
::Allow easy access for pedestrians
::Used for low temperature and Normal temperature
:: Type choose :Ribbed / Flat
::Width :200mm-400mm
::Choice of grades and colours
::Slding system
::Hook-on system

Application :
Home,Office,Food industry,Berwery,Water factory,Supermarket,Plastic cement,Priting,Security company,Textile,Medicine,Electronics,Chemical,Metallurgy,Machinery,WarehouseLogistic
Car manufacturer,Welding industry etc.


plastic transaprent outdoor curtain

The professional pvc strip curtain manufacturer with over 20 years experience ,we can offer you kinds of pvc curtain and with high quality
:: pvc strip doors reduce the heat and cold air loss
::Restricts movements of air pollutants such as (dust / dirt / smoke / fumes / draughts).
::Increase employee confort by keeping temperature & humidity under control
::Minimum maintenance, an occasional wash with plain water or liquid detergent & strips can be rteplaced independantly if required.
::Provides control for birds and flying pets ,vermin,
::Sliding system

pvc strip curtain is an excellent way to control the movement of air pollutants and keep the environment clean ,
It will be more economy working with air conditioning ,and enhance the comfortable of woking space and production effcient .


plastic door curtian

we offer excellent pvc strip door curtain ,the pvc strip curtain oofered by us is easy to clean and install ,the pvc strip door curtain is highly durable and available in various colours and thickness ,avail pvc strip curtain from us at the most completive price .
pvc strip curtain useful for Home,Office,Food industry,Berwery,Water factory,Supermarket,plastic cement,Priting,Security company,Textile,Medicine,Electronics,Chemical,Metallurgy,Machinery,
WarehouseLogistic,car manufacturer,Welding industry etc.

pvc specification :
Slidng sysytem
Strong and durable
Hook-on system
Bolt-n system
Choice of grades and colours
Width :200mm-400mm
Thickness :2mm-4mm

pvc strip curtain is an excellent way tp keep the environment clean and provides comfortable space for workers .


pvc door curtain

pvc door curtain preservation cold air or warm air draining ,and keep the room clean
Prevent the dust ,vermin,pets,somke,fumes ,odor...
Reduce the DB noise
Prevent the ultraviolet radiation
Minimal maintance
Allows easy access for pedestrians
Choice of grades and colour
A self -extinguishing products
Hook-on system
Sliding system
Shape :Flat / ribbed
Width :200mm-400mm
Thickness :2mm-4mm
Colour :As order

Used for :
Home,Office,Food industry,Berwery,Water factory,Supermarket,Plastic cement,Priting,Security company,Textile,Medicine,Electronics,Chemical,Metallurgy,Machinery,WarehouseLogistic
Car manufacturer,Welding industry etc.


pvc strip curtain

Pvc strip curtain have a good transparent ,it is able to stop the draining of cold air pr warm air ,work as a barrier control dust and ultraviolet ry ,smoke ,fumes,it will be more economy wrking with air conditioning ,enhance the quality of working space and production efficient  .

pvc strip curtain :Easy to clean and install ( just need to periodic wash ,we have the hooks fit for the curtain )
                          Allow easy access for pedestrians
                           Sliding  system
                           Strong and durable
                           Bolt-on system

we can provide you :
1:Flat /  Ribbed curtain
2:Low temperature  /  Normal temperature
3:Anti-insect / Anti-static
5:Opaqueness curtain  / Transparent curtain
6:Glow curtain / Ventilation curtain

The professional pvc strip curtain manufacturer with over 20 years experience in china , offering
more than 20 various kinds of pvc curtain and weekly  output up to 350 Tons .



pvc strip door curtain

Pvc strip door curtain have a good trasparent ,It is stop the cold air or warm air draining,andprovides a barrier for dust and ultraviolet ray ,and it is able to restrict movement of air pollutants such as (smoke ,fumes ,dust) and provides control for birds ,flying ,pets ,vermin ,and reduce the noise leves ,stop the noise diffusion ,It will be more economy working with air conditioning and ehance the comfortable of working space anf production efficients .

pvc strip curtain have :
Minmal mantance
Easy to clean and install
Just need periodic wash
Allows easy access for pedestrians
Bolt-on system
Hook-on system
Strong and Durable
Sliding system

No matter whatever  kinds of pvc strip curtain do you want  ,we can give you the best service ,such as
Anti-insect curtain ,Anti-static curtain ,welding curtain ,Polar curtain ,Normal curtain ,glow curtain ,ventilation curtain .